Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting started

So 2011 has started and I have decided to start a blog. It is something I have always to do. My passion is sports and since I don't have a job that relates to it whatsoever I figured this is the next best thing for me to share my opinions on what is going on in the world of sports.

I am just an average guy with no more insight into sports than anyone else who watches games and catches Sports Center several times a week. I don't know anyone in the industry or have any contacts with any teams or athletes. I have a job and a family so this is not my life. I am doing this simply as what will hopefully be a fun outlet. Everything you will read, that is, if anyone actually reads this, is just my take. 

I live in Minnesota but will not focus heavily on the local teams. I am more interested in the overall sports scene though there will be occasions where I do focus a post on a local story if it calls for it. My favorite sport is baseball followed by football, both NFL and NCAA, and I assume the posts will follow that. I do enjoy and follow the other sports and will comment periodically on those as well. 

Feel free to leave comments and tell me if I am off my rocker or if on the rare chance you think I nailed a situation. The good thing with this media is that it will be permanently recorded so we can see who was right or not as time goes by. With that, welcome and I hope there will be something out here you enjoy. 

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