Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rashard Mendenhall

So much for getting this blog off to a roaring start. It only took four months to publish my second post. I did write one earlier but forgot to publish it which is probably for the best as I was previewing the NFL playoffs and was wrong on every game but one. With that out of the way here we go again.

While this isn't the most timely take on this issue as it took place over a week ago but  I felt it was necessary. Now let me start by offering full disclosure and say that I am a lifelong Pittsburgh Steelers fan and I believe they would have won the Super Bowl this year had Mendenhall not fumbled in the second half of that game.

Rashard found himself in the middle of a major controversy last week by posting statements on his Twitter account in reaction to the events surrounding Osama Bin Laden's death. Rashard offered up two items that got the bulk of the attention. One had to do with Bin Laden's death itself and Rashard's puzzlement as to why people were taking to the streets in celebration. The second had to do with the event that Bin Laden is credited with masterminding, the tragedy of 9/11, and allusions to a possible conspiracy theory that he might or might not believe in.

Let me first say that I do not believe in the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 that the government had something to do with the buildings coming down and that it was not solely the result of terrorists. That said, I do not begrudge anyone for having that opinion. We are all entitled to our opinions and expressing those opinions. His statement about 9/11 really isn't that much different than those who think we may not have actually sent someone to the moon or that JFK's assassination was not a solo effort by Lee Harvey Oswald and there are plenty of people who believe in one or several other conspiracies.

While I was glued to the tv like 56 million other Americans to watch the announcement and was relieved to know he had been caught and killed I did not feel the urge to go outside into the cul-de-sac and shout out pro-American chants. I believe I gave a simple fist pump while sitting in my cushy oversized chair. Again, I don't begrudge those who felt compelled to do just that though. I do find it odd that of all the celebrations I can remember taking place in this country over my 40 years none have been the result of a death. I think it is an interesting  social phenomenon that took place that night to see how the pain and tragedy of 9/11 and the fear and frustration that have been in place since then released itself in those demonstrations as a result of the death of the symbolic figurehead of 9/11. Rashard was simply observing the reaction as being strange to him and not in line with his beliefs.

In the immediacy of that night and the corresponding high running emotion,s Rashard's views were taken as being un-American and sympathizing with a monster. Upon a closer review of Rashard's comments I don't really see anything he says that reflects that. As a result, Champion has dropped him as a sponsor. That is their right to do just as it was Rashard's right to say what he said. Now while I am a strong believer in the First Amendment right to free speech I also believe that you then have to be willing to deal with any consequences that are a result of that free speech.

While I am disappointed with the initial reaction to Rashard's comments I am pleased to see that after being able to reflect on what happened more people are respecting Rashard's right to say what he said and praising him for not backing down in his beliefs. I fall into this camp as well and am glad he didn't back down. At the same time, I understand Champion letting him go as they have a brand to maintain and this is the downside of those consequences mentioned earlier. What I don't understand at all was the talk I heard about him apologizing to his teammates or being in jeopardy of losing his job as a football player. Have we really gotten to the place as a society where we go after someone who has a religious stance that tries to find some value in life no matter who that person is?  I think we all need to just slow down at times and wait for some of the immediate emotion to subside before we pass judgement.